Tuesday, September 11, 2012

They called me a what?!?!?!!

Yesterday I was at the gas station. I had the two little ones in the car and was on my way to pick up Bradley from school. After walking back from the cashier I overheard a group of 3 teenagers talking....

Teenage Boy1: "YEAH!!! Did you see that MILF on pump 2!"
Teenage Boy2: "F**k YEAH...I'd hit that anytime!"
Teenage Boy3: "What pump! I didn't see her"
Teenage Boy2: "Over at pump 2, tight black pants, work out stuff........"

That's when they noticed I was walking right by them and they shut up right away. At that moment I was just disgusted that these little boys would talk that way about a mom. More so, I was sick to my stomach that MY boys would someday be talking that way as well! They were BABIES once...still are!

I walked back to my pump, a mere 15 feet from them, grabbed the nozzle and realized I was at PUMP 2!!!!
OMG! OMG! OMG! Those boys...someones babies and still babies were talking about me!!!
All I could do was laugh! It took all I had to not double over in laughter!
I instantly went from OMG...how gross to...should I take that as a complement???
It's still unnerving to have a young BOY look at you that way BUT I have been working my a** off getting into better shape that I did slightly enjoy the compliment. I won't lie. LMAO!!!

I saved the BEST for last though. They climbed back into their car and as they drove past me to leave, totally embarrassed, I put a big smile on my face and waved! Hahhahahahaaa!!!!
Have a good day BOYS!
Ya, ya I know...I'm so awful! But it was the funniest thing ever! Why not get a kick out of it!

Always looking at the positive side of things (LMAO!!!)~
Bree and J

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9/11 revisited

I was awakened by our phone ringing and my first thought was "who the *&%# is calling me this early on my day off?".  It was my dad calling from Taiwan where he was on business.  His first words to me were "Are you ok?" and "Get up and turn on the TV, New York is under attack.".  I remember stumbling in my pajamas out to the living room with Dave asking what was up and we turned on the TV. 
The first tower was burning and the thick black smoke was billowing out like a roadside flare.  We stood there dumbfounded as the second plane hit.  Just like that, slicing through the building like butter with just a puff of debris exiting the other side.  The news anchors were in shock and confused, it took them a few seconds after me to realize that it was a second plane and not repeated video of the first account.
 I'm pretty sure both Dave and I said the f word, we were 21 and 22.  We stood there in our pajamas just mind-blown.  I didn't sit down until the first tower fell.  I didn't really sit, I sank to the floor and bawled my eyes out.  I was wildly exclaiming "The people, the people!  All those people!", as if Dave wasn't standing there watching all the same footage as me.  I couldn't believe my own eyes.  I have never felt so absolutely and utterly helpless in my life.  I sat there on the floor in front of the TV and prayed my heart out for everyone to escape the chaos.  The second tower collapsed and was just as heart wrenching as the first, maybe even more because you knew it was coming but still just as helpless.  I spent the entire day just glued to the TV. I remember taking the dog outside and how eerily silent it was.  Our town is small and quiet anyways but the silence of the planes that week was horrible and when I heard my first plane overhead it made my hairs stand. 

The small things in life simply changed.  That was the last time we used land line and phone in our home.  I remember walking my Dad to his gate at the airport and giving him a really good hug because he was headed out of the country and I was worried about him being so far away.  I have never written out this event before but felt compelled to have it somewhere for my children.  It's my "Where were you?" story, so where were you?  Please share your story no matter how insignificant you may feel your story is.  We will never forget!!!

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Monday, September 10, 2012

Heroes Mud Run 2012

WELL.... My friend Christa and I ran our mud run on Saturday and did awesome! We do wish there would have been alittle more mud but it was a BLAST!!!
Thanks for all the support!!!!
Before the race, all nice and clean!!!

And there OFF!!! First obstacle.....watered down gak!
LETS GOOO!!!! Whoop...whoop!!!
Last little bit!!

That pool was full of Pancake batter and TONS of water! YUCK! LOL!
Hero Mud Run, 5k and 15+ obstacles DONE in 34 min!!!!

My Friend Christa and running buddy kissing her clean hubby!
My hair is normally really dark but after the mud started to dry I looked gray. 
We donated our shoes to help people in need who don't have shoes!
Donated Shoe Pile
Staying Active~
Bree and J Pin It

Friday, September 7, 2012

10k and 10 Resolutins

Well me MUST be busy because neither Jessi nor I realized we are now well over 10,000 views! It's been only 6 months and I am amazed at how far Farm House Sisters has come!
With well over 10,000 views I think we should make 10 resolutions for the next 6 months!

Bree's 10 Resolutions:
1. Don't worry about what other people think SO much. Constructive criticism is great but don't make decisions based on what others will say or think.
2. Try new things. My marriage is over and I don't know what I like to do, or eat, or think by myself. I'm going to try new things, new foods and center myself back to BREE.
3. Run more...run farther...prepare for my 10k on Thanksgiving.
4. Try forgive more...but never forget.
5. Expand our variety of post content.
6. Try not to let life keep me away from posting. (i feel its almost therapeutic sometimes to post, but I haven't been so regular about my postings these days)
7. Craft more...WAY more!
8. Paint my bedroom furniture I was never "allowed" to paint. =D
9. Pass along my GREAT Karma that has recently come my way...over and over again!
10. Be less judgmental...if not at all.

Jessi's 10 Resolutions:
1. Lose some weight, go from large to medium.
2. Get this blog rockin' and rollin'! :)
3. Make all my Christmas gifts by hand.
4. Spend less time online and more time with the kids.
5. Holding out for what I know I want instead of settling for "good enough".
6. Going outside! Even in the rain. :)
7. Supporting our local business downtown and volunteer in my community.
8. Growing my Camp Fire family!
9. Getting some me time, every week.
10. Be a Force to be Reckoned with!

The last 6 months of this blog has already been such a journey for us!  We are already changed women with changed families and goals.  Thank you for your support and for reading our crazy adventures.  We have a lot of fun hanging out on this blog.  We couldn't do it without you!!!

Hugs and Kisses!!!
Bree and Jessi

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