Thursday, April 26, 2012

Play Date: Spring Fair Supplement

More Photos from the Spring Fair! Enjoy...our kids sure did! Mostly everything was FREE! Had a great time for a minimal price!

To watch a video of Bradley in the Water Ball CLICK HERE to be redirected to "Bradley at the Fair"

Brooklyn was awesome the whole day!!!

Here's a video Intro on what the "Dock Dogs" are...they were fantastic!!

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Campfire Kiddo's Celebrated Earth Day

Our Campfire group celebrated Earth Day last week by creating an Earth Day Inspired Craft, going on a nature walk around the block and discussing how we can help save the earth, what comes from the earth and what plants, trees and flowers need to grow. Our Campfire group is ages 3-5.

~Nature Walk~
Cement does NOT grow
 out of the earth (lol) 
but LOOK....
some grass has
 found its way 
through the crack
 in the cement!
 Pointing out the
 cute little flowers 
growing in the grass.

A flower for my mommy! <3

 THE BOYS...we gotta stay together!

Girls......are grossed out by the boys these days!

What kids need to grow: care, nourishment, love, knowledge, sunlight, air, and water! LOL!

Keep those kids growing and learning~
Bree and J
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Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Girls Room: Part 2

So in between wrangling children and chores, I've been able to sneak away and make some progress on the circles in our main bathroom.  You can check out the before pictures from this post. 

I had to go back and re-pencil a few columns.  They got a little off towards the bottom but I think I've got it to where it won't be too noticeable.  Don't worry, I'll point it out! I ended up measuring out a grid to help keep the alignment.  The lucky thing is that I'm trying for an organic look to the circles instead of exact and perfect circles.

Here's a closer view.  The discolored spot is where the paint peeled off when I removed the shower curtain rod.  Nothing like additional paint touch-ups to prolong the project!

Another little project that I had been meaning to do was to clean up the shower head.  We rarely shower in this bathroom because there is no fan and the shower would spray in wonky directions.

The arm of the shower head is "hard-wired" into the plumbing behind the wall but the head easily comes off after un-screwing the band.

I used white vinegar and the container with a lid.  I've got kids and didn't want anybody knocking it over!  After soaking for 3 hours it was just about ready.  I was surprise it worked so fast!  For tougher build-up, I would soak overnight.


That's it!  I put it back on and it sprays straight, almost like new.  I'm really glad I gave the vinegar a try!

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Tuesday, April 24, 2012

"Farm House Featured..." Business of the Month

Starting May 1st we will start to feature a business of the month. 
"Farm House Featured...."
If you know of a small business that's great we would love to know!

Want a hint for our 1st Feature???
Your parties, birthdays, announcements, births, events, etc will never look the same.... fact we think you will be "dazzled" by them! ;)

Lot of Love~
Bree and Jessi
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