Thursday, June 28, 2012

Brooklyn's Room: In Progress...Mod Podge Fabric Initials

Super Simple and Fun Craft
What you need:
Mod Podge
Razor Blade or Razor Knife
Paint Brush (optional, I have used my finger before...but this gets messy!)

 Add a light layer of mod podge onto letter, if your using card board letters apply an even lighter coat. The purpose of this is to just hold down the fabric while you mod podge over it. Applying a thick layer may cause the card board to get soggy...this can even happen with the wood letters. Make sure to check the quality of each letter before purchase.
 Place fabric onto letter. If you have a pattern make sure you line it up or keep the fabrics design in mind.
 Add a good (thick) layer over fabric. Make sure to extend mod podge over the edges a tiny bit but don't leave a lip or too much excess on edge.
 Then I used the razor knife to cut along edges, make sure to take your time so you don't have an edge that starts to fray. Don't worry, if you do just add alittle mod podge over the area. I applied a light layer of mod podge to all edges after cutting but this isn't necessary. 
I also added an extra layer of fabric because my fabric was white and with only one layer it was alittle see threw. This all depends on fabric and letter your using.

I think I may add one m ore little hoop at the bottom of the right green one but still not sure...need to find the little hoop first but would love any feedback and what you think...
Yes add one more little hoop or no it looks great!

(its also really hard to see but the wall color is yellow and the white letters do stand out a bit more. Better pics to come with final viewing of her room!!!)
To view tutorial on the hoop decor follow this link: Brooklyn's Room: In Progress...Hoop Decor.
Hoop Fantastic~
Bree and J Pin It


  1. I think one more hoop would make it look finished. I love the idea and may borrow it for above our soon to be here baby girl's crib.

    1. I agree but I put it up there and it looks TOO even! LOL! I'm so indecisive! Bah! I've put it up there like 5 times now!


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