Wednesday, February 6, 2013

New Addition

{A Single Moms Crazy Ranting's}
We all know Bree talks...and talks a lot she can do! Usually her ramblings are filed under "Bree's Crazy Ranting's"...until now!
(so cheesy)
With a shocking amount of women asking me "how I do it?" I have decided to dedicate a new label or column you might say on my experiences as I go through life.
Have no clue what's going on, now that I'm not talking in 3rd person any more here is a brief run down...for fun lets go back to 3rd person! LOL!
2004 Bree meets Boy
2007 Boy and Bree buy a house
2007 Happily welcomes Baby Boy
2008 Wedding bells ring!
2010 Happily welcome another Baby Boy (screaming)
Boy and Bree Short Sell their home
Move into tiny 2 bedroom apartment
Welcome Precious Baby Girl
Boy starts sleeping on couch
Packing to move into new, 3 bedroom!, HOME :)
Boy tells Bree "I don't love you anymore" :'(
Moved into new home :'( start marriage counseling
July 2012:
Boy takes off wedding ring
Celebrate Precious Baby Girls 1st Birthday
Bree takes off wedding ring
Bree finds out about Boy's new girlfriend
Bree kicks Boy out
Aug 2012-Current
Divorce papers, tears, kids and I move out, attorneys, tears, court, going back to work, child support, arguing, kids to Boys every other weekend, and too much bull#*$%!

Caught up??
Feel free to follow me as I go on about my daily struggles, accomplishments, battles and more!
I'm not trying to do this as a means at getting back or trash talking  Boy; and have always tried to stay above the battles and be respectful.

This is meant to help those women thinking of divorce/going through it/and have been there. These are my experiences and even though every one has their own turns and bumps in the road the process is still about the same!
At the end of the day if you'd rather not read this than don't. I will never again let anyone control how I act, what I say or what I do with my this is very real, very honest and very raw.

Here are a few postings that will also catch you up:
Back to my routine...I guess...
"How are you doing?"
Mondays are for Complainers
You Smell Like Taco's Mommy
My Facebook is Not Your DRAMA
and CARRY on Bree

 {Much LOVE ~Bree and J}
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