Thursday, July 12, 2012

Bachelorette Shocker!


Bachelorette Shocker: Does Winner Turn Emily Down?

This "may" be a SPOILER!
Just to warn you. 
I think it's just gossip myself but always fun to hear! 

What do you think ladies??
Comment below!

GOOOOOO Jef (lol)~
Bree and J

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Due to Popular Demand!

We've had several request for changes to make our blog more user friendly! :)

1. We changed the font for the posts to make it easier to read.

2. We changed how our archived posts are listed so you can find the one you were looking for.

3. We added "You might also like" links to the bottom of the posts.

4. We added ad space, email for pricing!

5. We switched back the Comments so you don't have to sign up or anything and be anonymous if you choose.  I do monitor and will not allow hurtful comments to be posted. 
No cyber bullying allow!

I also wanted to note that we realize we are not good spellers or proof-readers at times.  We feel that we want our style of writing to relect how we actually talk to our friends because that's what we consider you! We like typing "lol" and using ":)".  We like quoting our kids with their imperfect speech.  We like hearing constructive criticism!  We want this blog to be a forum for you to gain inspiration, encouragement, and some fun entertainment!

We hope you find the changes helpful and the content fun!

Have a hot sunny day!
~Jessi and B
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Google Search Scared

Looking up anything on google search can be a little scary....
For example I was researching for a recent post, 5 Themed Boys Rooms, and searched "Surfer Bedrooms" AND if you scroll towards the end of that search you just might be able to see a surfer in a bedroom...IF you know what I mean. The firefighter bedroom was a tad bit revealing too IF you know what I mean there....not gonna complain too much though. LOL.
Same goes for ANY workout images that I need to search for when posting The Healthy Housewife.
But these aren't what makes the internet or google search a scary place for me.
I've been having a medical problem relating to my womanly parts in the southern region. BAHHAA! (Yes, I am shy and childish.) I was "fixed" on Halloween 11' and since then things are not "normal". I have been procrastinating and finally found an obgyn to see. Its never a good sign when they transfer you (keep in mind I'm a new patient here) to a nurse, then the nurse makes room to have you in the following Monday...mere days later. She asks me some scary questions and the conversation is done and I'm left with an appt on my calendar, in need of childcare very early in the day and a worried mind....that doesn't ever stop ticking.
Did I mention Dr's make me nervous?? LOL! YES, in fact during my 2nd pregnancy I cried at almost EVERY appt during the 3rd trimester...for no reason. I just get stressed and over thought things. Anywho...back on track the phone I get and on the computer I go. Smart Bree....REALLY smart! I know what happens when you look up any weird medical question or symptom online...does it stop me...NO (duh) tells you your dieing essentially. You could look up a basic generic cold symptom and all the sudden your coming down with whooping cough or a rare form of hoopla (whatever). So now I have a few days to dwell on my impending, slow death (that's what Google says) at least in the mean time I have a baby shower to do for Saturday SO i'll be busy enough to forget for awhile! LOL!
To be clear I am not really dieing...
Well I think...
Just don't listen to what I say...
AND don't Google search any medical symptoms....
Just don't Google search anything to be safe!
Well here's a good thing to search, Farm House Sisters, its fun, safe, and you should totally join the site too!

Have a healthy and Happy Day~
Sickly Bree Pin It

Princess Spa Birthday Party Preview

Here's a little taste of my sister's "Princess Spa Party" she had at Serene Day Spa for her 12th birthday! 
.: Facials
.: Massages
.: Masks
.: Pedicures
.: Manicures
.: Girl Chat
.: Pizza and Cake....
I'm thinking where were these parties MOM when I was younger....better yet can I have a "Kids Run me Ragged, Mommy needs a Break Party" for my 27th birthday?? AND invite all my girl friends?? LOL! Doubtful but a gal can always hope!
Full post should be up later this week...editing and uploading these photos has been a NIGHTMARE!
For info right now visit Serene Day Spa's Website or follow/like them on 
Serene Day Spa's Facebook Page.
Leave them a comment and tell them Farm House Sister's sent you!

Have a beautiful ZEN day~
Bree and J

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