Thursday, August 16, 2012

Evie's Swing Set: Part 2

It's Up!  It's safe! It's hot!

We are hitting super hot for us here in the foothills.  The weather people are saying 92-95 but that they wouldn't be surprised if we get to 100!  Ahh, finally it's summer and just in time for us to be getting ready for back-to-school!

There's a few things left to do before I can say I'm done with the swing set for the summer.  One is giving it a good power wash and re-staining it.  The stain I have needs about 3 to 4 days to cure before you can be sure it won't rub off on to you.  Yeah, how am I going to keep 3 fun-loving kids off a new big toy in this heat?

The girls are all moved in!
Another is replacing the tarp.  I have the original but it's definitely not going to work.  I kind of like having it off, it makes for more of a look-out style fort.  Having the roof on would make it seem more castle or house like.

Our view from the top of the swing set, showing the haze from the Taylor Bridge Fire.
My total so far for this project is:

$50 for the swing set from Craigslist
$46.20 for new hardware
$7.74 for yellow spray paint
$5.92 for new base boards
= total of $119.86 (before taxes)

Not bad considering you can't even get something new for less than $200!  I love being thrifty!  What projects are you hoping to finish before the end of summer?

Stay hydrated!
~Jessi and B

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Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Easy DIY Wall Art

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From Our Fellow Blogger: How About Orange
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"How are you doing?"

Before you read this you may want to catch up with Bree...

You know when there is something awful that happens and you never know what to really say?? Well let me give everyone some advice...(I sure hope I'm not offensive, I'm in a MOOD, lol)

When a married couple splits due to another man/woman involved here is what you should NEVER say:

"Are you sure you can't get past it and forgive him?"
All I want to say in return is....well I don't want to say anything in return. All I want to do is SLAP the s**t out of you! Really?? REALLY?? Do I LOOK like a push over to you? I also find it very odd that the people that say this to me have never been in this situation before. You know what I did the last time someone asked me this...I returned the same question and asked THEM if they could ever forgive. "Well....."Jimmy" would NEVER do that to me" YA! Well you ask me that 6 months ago and I'd say the same damn thing lady!

Here's another one I'm getting really sick of:
"I'm SO sorry!" Not just once but over and over and OVER again! "Oh NO, I'm so sorry...I just can't imagine..I'm SO sorry...Ugh gosh...really I'm so, so sorry"
I know your sorry, but it just makes things more depressing than it already is when you remind me over and over again! Then I feel I have to say "no, its ok" and start reassuring YOU cause your so sorry for ME! The craziness of it all is horrid!

"Are you sure that's what happened?"
Ummm...NO, I kicked the father of my 3 young children out because I wasn't SURE!! WTF! I guess I'm not really sure how to answer this one. For me its almost insulting. Like you think I'm so off my rocker that I'm delusional. Moving on...

So now that I've pretty well told you all your horrible for giving me sympathy let me tell you what I DO want to hear...

"What THE F**K!"
"Are you F**KING kidding me!'
"What a                           !"(you fill in the blank)

Whats the most difficult question?
"How are you doing?"
Do you really want to know? I doubt it cause you would probably worry about me more. In a matter of one hour I can go through almost all the emotions in the book...depression, anger, happiness, joy, sadness, sickness, stress, name it. When someone asks me this I usually have to lie or tell a muted version of whats really going on or how I'm REALLY doing. I don't think people really, truly want to know. So you tell them what they want to hear I guess. "I'm doing                 . " (Fill in the blank with: fine, ok, good, alright, better, not so good, bad but getting there, etc) Then you try to smile and change the subject.

Maybe I'm really deep into the angry stage but some more swearing would be real nice to hear these days! ;)

The one good thing that can come out of this (I guess) is I have always wanted to write a book...I've always had different ideas but never put them to paper. Who knew that my biggest inspiration would come from the day my husband came home and told me he didn't love me anymore...

Thank you everyone for loving me no matter what awful things I may go through or say and even though you may say the wrong things sometimes you really have no idea what is right to say. I do know your only trying to help and I could care less if you tell me your sorry a million times your there to catch me when I fall...well only after you laugh that is! ;) You are all so very precious to me! THANK YOU!

Yes, I know I use too many.....;)~
Bree and J Pin It

Monday, August 13, 2012

Mount Peak

 I have been very "motivated" to work out these days. A mixture of involuntary dieting, stress, tension, boredom and the NEED to busy myself when the kids are gone brought a friend of mine and I to Mount Peak this weekend. Twice. Well technically three times. LOL.
One of Enumclaw's main attractions and popular places to be, Mount Peak offers a very effective workout for any level. Pace your self if your a beginner or push yourself if your more athletic. Or do what we did the second day...hike it twice! YUP...once we came down we turned around and did it again. The second time really KILLED but SO rewarding once you reach the top. Don't expect many views up there but no worries there are some benches to collapse on once you do get to the top.
I have a feeling this will become my new found friend when my kids aren't with me. Great way for me to tune the world and my problems out! Pandora was very good to me this weekend. :)
Sunday we went up twice:
Round One Summit 
 Round Two Summit

Info for the "REAL HIKERS" out there: (lol) "The main route to the summit, the YDS class 1 Cal Magnusson trail is a fairly straight forward way to reach this summit. The trail remains at a constant moderate pitch and climbs a little over 1000 feet in 1 mile. There are no scrambles or even any severely steep terrain, but just a trail with a constant grade and with switchbacks from start to finish. This constant terrain and good elevation gain over such a short distance is the reason it is one of the preferred trail running routes. There is also an alternate trail that leaves from the same trailhead. This trail has one real steep section but has a good view of the town of Enumclaw. Both trails lead to the true summit."
Pretty cool geological finds all along the trail!

How to get there? From Enumclaw drive .8 mile east on state Route 410, then turn right onto 284th Street, drive 1 1/2 miles and turn right again on Southeast 472nd Street. In less than .5 mile, find the obvious trail heading uphill on your left and a parking area, elevation 770 feet. There is a very small sign at the trailhead (the park is administered by King County Parks and Recreation).

Can't wait to hike it again...and again, thanks Christa~
Bree and J
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