Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Ikea or Bust

Yesterday's trip was awesome and a bummer at the same time.  It was my first to have all three kids be able to play at Smaland and since we are members of Ikea's Family, they got an extra 30 minutes to play.  That was pure bliss!  Looking at wine glasses without the whine is wonderful!  The bust part was not finding what I was hoping for. 

Smaland is awesome for my kids!
When we were moving into our home, we were approached by the brother of the lady who lived here and offered first dibs on a mid century style hutch.  Of course I got it and it happily lived in the living room for 3 years.  I use to store kid toys in the bottom part until the darling children discovered that they could CLIMB into it.  Since my china was in the top hutch part, I could just imagine the whole thing crashing down and being just a bad idea!  I swapped out the bottom for a old dresser and that worked but I pretty much just fell out of love with the whole thing and off to the garage sale it all went. 

The top, so cluttered!
 I filled the "hole" in the living room with a desk that I had re-done last year but I need shelves to hold all the stuff that use to be on top of the hutch.  I think I want the Lack wall shelves in black-brown but of course they were out of stock (grrrr) even though I checked before I left.  I also was thinking that I wanted some in white for my bathroom but they are too long for the space so basically I'm back to square one.  I did get a few things though, AA batteries, chalk, watering can, bag clips, new kitchen sink brushes and Kex biscuits.

The desk in the "hole" right now!
 I think I'm out growing Ikea, which I hate to say because I love going there but I'm finding that I'm drawn to better quality furniture.  I'm on the hunt for a taller hutch, a better console table (with storage) and maybe a coffee table (also with storage).

via Pinterest, floor to ceiling hutch!
I've loved the Hemnes series but in the store they are so rickety.  I need something more substantial so I'm not constantly worried that when the herd of children come through, my dishes won't end up on the floor. 
Hemnes Hutch
 Luckily it's the start of summer and there will be lots of yard sales happening!
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Bachelorette Week 7 Recap

The gang is in Progue...I've been waiting all week to see what is going on with Arie and ex girlfriend whom also is a producer on the SHOW! Really...it is a small world but also alittle like a set up to me. We shall see! And 2 guys are going home tonight! Only 4 move on to hometowns which is next episode! We are getting down there ladies! Here we go!
Arie has the first date card, being the first one on one date. They start their date, walking through Progue but the funny thing is Emily knows about the ex girl friend but Arie doesnt know she does. They rube the loyalty dog and she tells him to do it twice! BAaaahahahaa! She is funny sometimes. I'm guessing the relationship is no big deal but the secret is or not being open with her is the real problem. Production interview was alittle odd, but I got the jist of what Emily was wanting to say, she just couldnt find a real way to say it. And then their date just gets weird and okward. Chris Harrison (the host) comes back on and talks more about the past relationship and infoms us all that the ex, Emily and Arie sat down (off film...DANG) and discussed it and it ended up not being a big deal in the end. LAME! I guess I wanted more drama out of it. But Arie is winning me over more and more and I am happy they worked it out and Emily is so smitten by him. I have a feeling he'll be the one at the end (well thats how I feel now anyway) lol. Arie then professes his love and the night ends like a fairytale...except she has 5 other boyfrinds back at the hotel freaking out about the next date card. It arrives with Johns name on it and Chris is pissed, I dont see why John is really still here but lets see what their date has in store for them.
On Emily and Johns one on one date things are SLOW moving but it picks up in a funny tone when their Eternal Love Lock doesnt lock shut! LMAO! NOT a good sign! Back at the guys' hotel Chris is freaking out more and more and I have a feeling either Doug or him will get the last one on one date...if Chirs doesnt get it I'm not sure how he'll handle it. I am thinking Doug will get the date seeing as she has some unaswered feelings towards Doug. Poor Chris!
Finishing off the one on one with John closing it with a kiss that I just didnt see any spark in. He is a super sweet guy though.
Previews come for after commercial break and you basically figure out that Doug and Chris at least are on the group date and Chris seems to be none the happy about it! And Sean goes running through the streets of Progue in search for his love! Where is a guy like Sean in the real world??? LOL!
Date card arrives...group date...Sean ("ugh")....Doug ("ugh")...Chris("oh geeze").....Little Jeffy gets the last one on one though...he wasn't complaining and throwing a fit and he got it! LOL.

Sean leaves knowing Emily is close, cause she dropped off John,....looking for Emily. He runs through the streets at night calling out her name over and over and he finds her....melts my heart! Sean is so sweet. And so romantic! You go Sean!

Previews come for after commercial and your kinda given the feeling of Chris being very overbearing and controlling. Seems like he kind of confronts Emily...bad move dude. But men don't know how to shove their feelings down and bury them for a long time like women do. BAHhhhaaahahaa!
On the group date Doug doesn't make a move AGAIN and I feel like this is the end for him. Doug NEEDS to be the next Bachelor! I don't feel the chemistry is there, he's so genuine and sweet and they just don't make them that way anymore. It's hard to find a Doug. PLEEEEASE let him be the Bachelor next season!!! Sorry Doug, but chin up your going to see your son!
Wrapping up the group date turned two on one Chris gets his time with Emily but it's alittle to late for this rose because I think what Sean did the night before really stood out in Emily's mind. I just hope he can gather his feelings and really show her he wants this and wants her and stop being so jealous before she hands out the roses and sends him home.
Jef's one on one was great! He is really awesome even with his funkyness! I love it! And it was so sweet how he went and grabbed a Ricky doll for their puppets. And then their little puppet play was hillarious and then turned romantic. Jef your great! I loved their little talk laying on the floor in the library...its so easy and fun and they just seem to fit. The funky guy and the beautiful women. The geek and the goddess! LOL!

Chris and John are basically a toss up and I feel John is playing Chris acting like he has this in the bag. Chris is also more understanding of how things went and REALLY wants to make things right and better! I hope he can do it cause I want Chris going to home towns. OH NO...Emily decides to go straight to the rose ceremony without giving the guys a chance to talk with her...Chirs is going to freak! AND then John just gets is alittle cocky...really?!?! John please go home, Chris PLEEEEEASE pull it off!
She comes out and talks to the guys and Chris is jittering and freaking out.....at the last moment he speaks up and asks to talk to her. He confesses his feelings and he just says that he couldn't go one moment more without her just knowing how he felt. She ends up giving him the last rose, which I feel he was going to get all along anyway. John seems surprised but America isn't. The night is short and previews are up for next week. I have a feeling that Sean running after the car is to tell her that he really loves her. I am super pleased with the top 4 guys eventhough they weren't my original picks and I even didn't even give Arie a chance. Emily seems to be very emotional next week and I am very curious to see who will go home. Now it gets really hard! They are all great guys and I find myself torn between Arie, Sean and Jef. To see my original top 4 picks follow this link, The Bachelorette, My top 4 Picks

Till next week~
Bree and J

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Weekend finds!

Our First Stop....Funky Junk Sisters
The girls are ready to go!....And then Evie fell asleep mere minutes after we arrived...LOL!
Love how they display a scene...but usually everything is for sale!
 Had to try on this hat...I thought it was ADORABLE!!!
 Isn't this trunk COOL! Tag on it says NFS though....bummer!
 Nifty ribbon holder...and they had designed it so the rods don't move around. Going to be doing this!
 Here is what I got at the Junk Show....
Here is what I'm doing so far with my 2 curtain rod holder/sconce thingys....added some yellow paint...now to distressing them!
Jessi got the awesome letters but she didn't find the A. She spent $10 at the junk show.

Later in the weekend Jessi found this organizer/cubby thing at a garage sale. I am jealous!!!! LOVE the color! 

 On Sunday we went (separately) to the Farm House Sale. It was so great cause the lady running the sale almost just knew who I was because Jeesi and her had talked for over an hour! LOL! Love meeting knew people just like us! Hahahaa!
Here is what Jessi found....hoops, jars O buttons, Apple and that cool cart....thinking shes going to be painting the cart red. :)
She spent $25 total!
Here is what I found...
Step stool/sitting stool for kids for shoe area by door.
 Silver plate for my cupcake stand

Thank goodness for garage sale earnings~
Bree and J

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Monday, June 25, 2012

No post this AM cause I was sleeping! HA!

So I decided to sleep in this morning. We have teething going on in this house and I am just now getting dried out from our soggy garage sale where it DOWN POURED on us basically both days. Have some fun stuff to show you from the Funky Junk Sisters  Show and the Rural Bliss Farm Sale! And I was also in a "mood" and kinda grouchy this weekend and when THAT happens I get real productive!!! So new tutorials to come soon! AND i found my camera cord so hoops here we come! I'll see you later this afternoon on here! Have a great Monday.

Headed for some coffee~
Bree and J Pin It
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