Monday, August 27, 2012

You Tube Romance

THIS is what still makes me a hopeless romantic...
"What's wrong with me??" 
Who knows! HA!
maybe I'll just date him so he'll sing these songs about me ;)

Snow Patrol - Crack The Shutters

<3 Snow Patrol~
Bree and J
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Mondays are for Complainers

Not sure who else to accuse???
All my friends say NO WAY....

BUT s.o.m.e.o.n.e signed me up for ""!!!
Before I start bitching. For anyone who doesn't know what is (probably all you happily married folk) it's an online dating site. You sign up, they usually offer a free trial, you build a profile with questions like what do you like to do, interests you, yadda, yadda. You add pictures if you choose, write out a synopsis of yourself and who your looking for. As well as fill out a questionnaire about who your looking for in a "match" (pun intended). afternoon I get an emailed saying "Thanks for signing up!" and then an INVOICE! Ya...didn't ya know when you signed me up that it was free for a week but then you get a BILL. NO, correction....I GET THE BILL! HA!
Not that this wouldn't be something I possibly might consider after awhile but it's been almost a month that I've been living as a "single mom" sooo that's technically a few meager weeks!! WEEKS people!!!! At first I thought it maybe was a sick joke or a alittle stab by the person who has contributed to me being a single mom. I have though ruled that person out due to some of the content added into my "profile". It was someone close to me, who knows me well and knows who I deserve to have. How do I know this. Well! They not only signed me up BUT they set up my account AND some of my profile information. YUP! Thanks much someone.
As much as maybe they thought it would "help" me or maybe they were only "thinking" of me... it did actually hurt more than helped. My life right now is an unorganized, jumbled mess. That I try to smooth out everyday for the kids sake. There's looking/applying for part time jobs...that in itself is time consuming with resumes (changing it up to cater it to each job) applying, emailing, calling, etc. Looking for a new place to live. Looking into any state help I can get. Finding a new car and money for it. Then there's the divorce paperwork, overwhelming in itself. Want a great way to feel stupid...try to fill out one of THOSE packets! I'm doing photography on the side as well which editing is time consuming as well as the shoot itself. (time to promote! Need a photographer?? Check me out on facebook "Sissy Boy Photography" Help this single momma out!! LOL) I try to do all of this while the kids are with dad, nap or are sleeping so it doesn't take time away from them. So that means it takes time away from me and my sleep. Then there is my medical issues as well and lately an appt every week, also coming along with that is more stress.  There's keeping up with play dates and activities for the kids. Keeping our routine "normal" as possible. Dealing with stress and bull from another party (you fill that one on) Making breakfasts, lunches and dinners AND cleaning up after all those (did that by myself before anyway). Chores, errands and preparing for school and after school activities for the kids. All while trying to get a few moments of peace before I simply crash at night. That to add in "dating" on a website. YOU REALLY KIDDING ME!?!?!?! YA! Let me just do that in my non existent spare time! UGH!!!
But I think the most hurtful part is does this person think I can't do it without a man. Do they think I NEED a man? Things are still very fresh and open that yes while going out with friends and even meeting new people or a nice guy might be nice and keep my mind and things at bay I'm not ready to start pursuing anyone. Nor would I want to waste anyone elses time.
I'm sure they didn't realize how it would effect me and they probably were only thinking of the positive side. But maybe just a little too soon...ya think!?!?!? I still love you secret person and I am now well over it (really bitching aside I am) so just don't tell me it was you. ;)
There is a good part that came of all of it. I went through and read the surveys and questionnaires. And I feel it really has opened my mind to what I really do want in life and in a partner. I had made compromises before in my marriage because I loved that person unconditionally. I choose to live a lifestyle along the same path as my partner and as we grew and changed I noticed I only followed. I wouldn't have changed any part of that. Though at the time I was fine with my life and you would have NEVER heard me complain. But now, being able to look back and start fresh. I know what I want and DON'T want. I know what is important to me and what I could settle on but there are definitely things I wont settle on. Someone should love me for who I am and never ask me to change or hold me back. Who is great with kids and will love mine like their own. Someone to inspire me. Supports me emotionally, physically. Someone who appreciates and respects me as much as I do them. A true partnership. (hmmmm maybe I should put this on my "dating profile" LMAO!!!!)
"Will I find that having three young children??" The jury's still out on that one. People seem to think so but for me it just seems daunting. do you even date these days. I mean that alone would keep me from never going out. Who would want to date after all this?!?!?! Baahahaa!

Looking for a dating "match" check out (BAAHAHAHAA)~
Bree and J

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Friday, August 24, 2012

Kindergarten Countdown: 12 days

On the twelve day before school starts, my true love said to me, "You're not done shopping yet?!"
Haha, nope but almost!  We are now getting ready for all the extra-curricular activities!  In the spring, I let Evie decide if she wanted to play soccer or dance ballet.  We already participate in Camp Fire and I think two activities are plenty!  She chose ballet so we will now be immersing ourselves into the local arts! 
Evie at the Dance Collect the first time we tried ballet.
I use to dance, as a hobby~before children, and I really enjoyed the camaraderie of the backstage crew.  I often volunteered to be a runner during the recital and holiday production.  That means I would be just off stage awaiting the cue to run down the hall and get the next performers ready to go on stage.  It's the best seat in the house! 
She is 3 and crying because I insisted she try everything on.
I also use to work in a dance shop, The Dance Collection, in Federal Way.  The are in the last two days of THE sale so you should act now to get discounts on supplies!  It's their annual sale where "the more you spend, the more you save"!  I should know better than to wait so late in the week to go but we've been so busy this week, this has been the only day I have to go.  So yes, I am going to brave the crowds and bring 3 kids just to get one shoes, leotard and tights she needs. 
Typical.  I love you Evie!!!
Evie is enrolled at The Ballet Workshop because that's where I use to dance.  Ms. Syble is amazing and I trust her to teach my daughter.  Her studio is traditional where you as a parent, are not allowed to be IN the classroom. That is a perfect thing for us as Evie will just cry and want to be in my lap but if I'm out of sight, I'm out of mind and she is perfectly fine. 
Won't even smile after getting candy.  These pictures make me laugh!
We did a class through our local parks and recs.  I would recommend it if you want to try it out before committing to a studio.  Our program was 8 weeks and they had a little recital at the end.  She had lots of fun.  It was held in a large gymnasium and the parents stayed and watched.  Evie would just cry and cry.  It was horrible for me lol.  So I would sit outside on the porch, in the cold because it was November and all the other parents would tell me that she was wonderful.  I didn't even see her dance until the recital! :) 
At the recital.  All smiles!
The funny thing was she loved dancing and I've just been waiting to get her going because of my experience as a parent lol.  When she was crying during the lessons, it wasn't because I was forcing her to be there.  She wanted to be there but sometimes she is so shy, she just cries.
So go forth, get your kids active in something!  There are tons of things!  If you have any questions regarding dance or Camp Fire, leave a comment! Also too for soccer because Bree is an actual Soccer Mom. Bradley is soo cute on the field :).
Tutus and Grass Stains,
Jessi and B
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Thursday, August 23, 2012

Kindergarten Countdown: 13 days

My favorite part of back-to-school preparation is the school supply shopping!!!  I love looking at all the new "in" things all the kids want for school.  Don't you remember the Trapper Keeper and Unicorn/Pegasus fantasy notebooks?  Ah, those where the days lol!

Evie's School Supply list

1 box of 16 and 24 count crayons

3 pencils, #2 and sharpened

1 pair of Fiskars scissors

6 large glue sticks

1 rectangular pencil box, no larger than 8.5" x 5.5"

Standard size backpack, large enough to hold a 10" x 12" folder

and an Earthquake Kit:

2 ea. 8oz Juices (canned) with pop tops
2 ea. 4oz Cans of fruit and pop tops or
2 ea. dried fruit packages (snack size)
2 ea. 3oz Cans of tuna or other luncheon meats in pop top can packages
2 ea. Peanut butter or cheese and cracker type snack packages, or
2 ea. granola bars
2 ea. plastic spoons or forks wrapped in napkins
2 ea. individually wrapped moist towelettes

I've heard from some more experienced parents, that the Earthquake Kit is a waste of time and effort because the items are hard to find and the likelihood of an emergency that catastrophe is so small.  I, however, want my daughter to be safe and to survive and if that takes some extra time and frustration, then that's a small price to pay!  Ok, I'll step off my soap box lol. :)
The most difficult thing to find for the Earthquake Kit was the moist towelettes.  I almost gave up and just used some baby wipes tucked into a smaller ziploc bag but then I found one in my purse and saved one from the last time I ate at Applebee's.  I had asked for an extra one from there but I didn't get one before we left, (among other things, the service was the worst that night).  Some of the items like the packaged cheese and crackers expire late May but I'm sure if there was some sort of true emergency they would be just fine.  There's only a few more weeks at that point for the end of the year :).  I would crawl on my hands and knees to get to her before she starved!!! 
Pencil shavings and glue sticks,
Jessi and B 

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Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Two Week Count down to Kindergarten!

Already?  The last five years have flown by but my little girl couldn't be more excited or ready for the next stage in life! 
Evie around 6 months.
 Every family we know with a new kindergartner is going to do all day kindergarten and is surprised that we are not.  Our district offers all day for a monthly fee and half day for free.  Everybody is different but the most common statement about all day is that it's the best because the child gets more time at school.  While I agree that more exposure to education is a good thing, it's not the best thing for my child.  While I love and adore my girl, she is by all means, dramatic, which in it's self can be exhausting to deal with but she is also a perfectionist.  This means while most kids, if they can't cut a straight line, first time out, they generally keep trying and it's not a big deal.  Evie can have a complete melt-down and have to go out in the hall to gather herself.  I feel that my girl would benefit from a smaller class size and a shorter school day so she can have a fun time learning. 
First day of Preschool
Evie's schedule is more or less the same as last year.  We attended Leaps and Bounds Preschool and I LOVED their curriculum.  She was already working on a kindergarten level there 3 afternoons a week.  Now she'll have kindergarten for 4 days and every other Friday will be all day.  I am excited for the all day time twice a month.  She'll have lunch at and be able to ride the bus with Ally twice in one day. 
Evie and Ally, Summer 2012
Little Miss Ally will be attending kindergarten all day every day and I think she's ready for it! :) She was in preschool with Evie, in the same class and they were really competitive.  It's almost like having twins so I'm hoping that the separation will help them play more with each other at home.  So that leaves me with Mr. Jack all day.  He is such a easy kid on his own and will give us time to do more boy themed play.  That poor kid has played tea party so many times, I'm pretty sure he can properly set the table lol.  Not that there's anything wrong with boys having tea parties but a tea cup doesn't make the most convincing car. :)
Jack, Summer 2012

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Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Weekend FUN!

It was about time I stepped away from stresses in my life for a minute....and focused on some FUN things with my kids. I get very nervous sometimes when I go to post because I have a hard time finding energy, motivation or the direction I could post could be very negative and a "downer". Oh, I promise you there will be more "complaining" or lets just say it straight... BITCHING coming up but a girls just gotta have fun...with her kiddos! Thanks Christa for letting us tag along!
We went with our friend Christa and cheered her on for her 5K! She ran to raise funds for the Lise and Faith Memorial Run! They also had some great stuff for the kiddos too! SO FUN!!! Just what this little family needed! :) Enjoy our pics!

Focusing n whats GOOD OL FUN for us~
Bree and J

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Friday, August 17, 2012

Photo of the day


Bree and J
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Photo Help Website

I am dabbling into photography these days and I figured I would share one of my favorite websites! :) 

Mom and Camera

Her website is basically like a blog where she posts something informative, tips, photos, how to edit, take great pics, etc everyday. She also offers classses (in her home state). Can't make her class?? Then just sign up for her helpful email hints and tips! Feel free to check her out daily for new tips, inspiration and ideas!

Lots of Helpful Editing Tips!

Here's one of her helpful tips:

Take Better Photos: 2 Tips for Capturing Candid Moments of Kids 

Make your camera your friend and take LOTS if pics~
Bree and J
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