Showing posts with label Kids. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Kids. Show all posts

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Brooklyn's Room: In Progress...Bird House

What I used:
~Birdhouse purchased at craft store for a few bucks
~Mod Podge
~Razor Knife
~Fat Quarter of Fabric

I lightly mod podge the area I was working with first, smaller areas at a time. And then I went back over the fabric with a heavier coat of mod podge to create a good seal.
The pattern on the fabric was very helpful in cutting out edges and the triangle corners.
I used a chop stick to make sure the fabric was pushed up into the small creased areas.
The MOST difficult was to cut the tiny hole for the bird post to fit through just right. It wasn't perfect but when you add the mod podge over it you cant even see the small flaws.
Drying and soon to be ready to trim!
I used a razor knife to trim out bird entrance hole and any other excess fabric from areas.
Final Look!!!

Brooklyn's Room Decor ...still in progress!!!

Gettin' there~
Bree and J Pin It

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Reversible Bubble Skirt Pattern by LBB

DIY PDF Pattern and Tutorial by LBB

The Reversible Bubble Skirt 

Sizes 12M to 12 Years


 Follow this link Reversible Bubble Skirt Pattern to purchase and download now!
Thanks LBB love the site!

I think this will have to be my first attempt at sewing clothing...too cute..~
Bree and J

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Thursday, June 28, 2012

Brooklyn's Room: In Progress...Mod Podge Fabric Initials

Super Simple and Fun Craft
What you need:
Mod Podge
Razor Blade or Razor Knife
Paint Brush (optional, I have used my finger before...but this gets messy!)

 Add a light layer of mod podge onto letter, if your using card board letters apply an even lighter coat. The purpose of this is to just hold down the fabric while you mod podge over it. Applying a thick layer may cause the card board to get soggy...this can even happen with the wood letters. Make sure to check the quality of each letter before purchase.
 Place fabric onto letter. If you have a pattern make sure you line it up or keep the fabrics design in mind.
 Add a good (thick) layer over fabric. Make sure to extend mod podge over the edges a tiny bit but don't leave a lip or too much excess on edge.
 Then I used the razor knife to cut along edges, make sure to take your time so you don't have an edge that starts to fray. Don't worry, if you do just add alittle mod podge over the area. I applied a light layer of mod podge to all edges after cutting but this isn't necessary. 
I also added an extra layer of fabric because my fabric was white and with only one layer it was alittle see threw. This all depends on fabric and letter your using.

I think I may add one m ore little hoop at the bottom of the right green one but still not sure...need to find the little hoop first but would love any feedback and what you think...
Yes add one more little hoop or no it looks great!

(its also really hard to see but the wall color is yellow and the white letters do stand out a bit more. Better pics to come with final viewing of her room!!!)
To view tutorial on the hoop decor follow this link: Brooklyn's Room: In Progress...Hoop Decor.
Hoop Fantastic~
Bree and J Pin It

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Last day of School

Busted into SUMMER...Today was the last day of school and we decided to have alittle impromptu party for the kiddos! 
Wrapped up the door for them to "Bust Through"

Our Balloon Boys
First Pig Tails for Little Miss Brooklyn today!
Hard day at work?
 Last day of school BUT first day of SUMMER!!!!!
Evie's First Day of School 11'

 Evie Last Day of School 12'

 Bradley First day of school Sept 11' and last day of school June 12'

Here's hoping that we actually have some summer worthy weather this year~
Bree and J

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Monday, June 18, 2012

Our Campfire Celebration

***The line up of candles. Campfire has a very long tradition of ceremonial candles that are individually lite and extinguished throughout the ceremony each representing a special meaning. A few being the candle of work, health and love.

Patiently waiting for the ceremony to begin. I was really in awe at how well all out kids did. They were very patient and respectful. (despite a few arguments and a little rock throwing) 

Walking around the fire (safely) for their ceremony of moving up.
All our kids were in Little Stars, ages preschool or 3-5. 
They graduated up to Starflight, Kindergarten-2nd grade, now they will get their traditional vest! Hooray! Great job kiddos!
 The "STAR" in Starflight has very special meaning:
"Service To Another Rewards"

 Bradley walking over the bridge, passing from one (Little Stars) to another (Starflight).
Great job sweetie!!!!

And here my phone ruined a BEAUTIFUL picture when you enlarge it and Jessi forgot her camera :(
Here is Evie with her mommy (Jessi) after she walked over the bridge and moved up to Starflight....proud mommy!
Jessi was also the host/speaker for the event, she did a wonderful job!

Jessi was given a few pins for special recognition for the service she puts in, volunteer hours, how long shes been a campfire member and all the great she does! She not only is the leader of our Little Starflight group but she also co-leads another group of older girls. Yaaa....she's pretty awesome!

 It was a wonderful ceremony filled with great company and recognizing our kids for doing a great job! I can speak for both Jessi and I when I say we can not wait to see what wonderful thinks we can do this coming year with our Starflight group!

If you would like to learn more about Campfire USA, Donate or join Campfire USA...its for girls AND boys, please follow this link to

Organizations are great for your kids~
Bree and J

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Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Get a little country

My mom and sisters ride horses and over the weekend my sisters had a "Gaming Show" with their saddle club. They participate in ALL day events: flags, international flags and barrel racing. It does take alot of the day because there are alot of kids to cycle through and sometimes they let the parents participate too at the end. It's alot of fun to watch but really fun for the kids to watch when my sisters went out (their auntie's). During the down time I took advantage of my surroundings and took a few "pretend" photographer photos and had fun at home editing! LOL!

 Bradley on Leo, my sister Anna's horse and him trying to embrace his inner cowboy.
 Really need to bring my real camera and not use my phone, makes me so mad when they turn out fuzzy!

 Pretend Photographer, trying to take some pics for the "farm house" image for blog..better use real camera next time.

 Bradley holding sissy, don't worry I was holding her too!


 Sarah and Cisco Barrel Racing

 Anna and Leo Barrel Racing

Brooklyn likes her cowgirl boots OFF...the better to chew on them!

Editing FUN!
(keep in mind, this was just for fun...I have no clue what I'm doing!!! LOL)

Used "Adjust Color" to create a warm hue.
Top photo is the original.

Used "Adjust Color" to create black and white look.
Top photo is original.

 Used "Adjust Color" to create and aged look.
Top photo is original.

Used "Auto Expose" to (i think) its under professional here but i would think overexposing it would darken the image. Feel free to comment and let me know. LOL.
Top Photo is original

Always fun to experiment~
Bree and J
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