Showing posts with label Sisterly Conversations. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sisterly Conversations. Show all posts

Friday, April 6, 2012

Pinterest Challenge: Easter Favorites

Every Friday (we hope) but every week we like to have a Pinterest Challenge! This is where we see who can find THE best pin of...whatever the challenge may be! 
We would love your input and your vote on who wins the Pinterest Challenge!

We would love for you to follow our Pinterest Boards!
 Become a pinterest sister and find us at Farm House Sisters

This week's Challenge:

Keep pinning~
Jessi and Bree

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Raising The Wild: Joys Of Motherhood

The joys of motherhood have very many ups and downs and I am lucky to have not pulled ALL my hair out by now......but they are OH SO worth it! One minute your kids are sharing and the next they are fighting....and then whining...then crying...tattle telling...arguing...pouting....throwing themselves on the floor...screaming...hitting...and yes even spitting!....and then friends again. 
Though sometimes things can be hard their....."less favorable" moments are way over shined by their adorable, sweet, kind, loving, charishable moments. That's why they are made to look SO cute! Most of my boys' moments of bad judgment are now (looking back) laughable times...."remember when...." Even though at that moment I have no idea what to do with my children. Sometimes they ABSOLUTELY astonish me with what they come up with or DO! During these moments you better know how to think fast and keep a straight face because if for one second they sense fear, humor, or doubt...they'll eat you ALIVE! LOL! 
They ARE wild animals sometimes! 
Feel free to enjoy some of our children's cute moments and....we'll just keep with the flow and say "NOT" so cute moments. ENJOY!

Brooklyn is the only sweet, innocent, immobile one! So good!
Enjoy your loves~
Bree and J

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Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Become a Sister

Become a Farm House Sister and grab our Button for your blog! 
Look to the top right hand of our page. 
You'll see the button
and the code. 
Spread the Sisterly Love~
Bree and J
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FH Sisters Pinterst Board Highlight: Bounce into...Spring

To see more on an idea you like here or more of our spring ideas and pins go to "Bounce into..Spring" Board on Pinterest.
Or if you have a pinterest account and you like our "pinning" style please feel free to follow all our boards at 
Farm House Sisters on Pinterest

Happy Spring~
Bree and J

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Crafty: Pamper the body

We all deserve to get pampered now and then but I would hate to pamper myself at the cost of starving my wallet. Here are some crafty and budget friendly ways you can pamper yourself or others! Hmmmm..I think after Easter comes Mother's are some things that would make a great gift! 

Homemade Body Scrub How-To:
Slough off dry winter skin with an invigorating homemade body scrub. It's easy, all-natural, and so inexpensive, you'll want to make enough for gifts. 
Tools and Materials
Combine 1 cup of body oil with 2 cups of Epsom or sea salts or organic cane sugar (depending on how fine a grain you like). We added lemon zest for color and fragrance. Package in jars (plastic is safest by the tub). 

Pantry Soaps How To:

Raid your larder for materials that add texture, color, and fragrance to handmade soaps. The long, thin box shown holds a number of delectable bars.

Tools and Materials

  • Glycerin, Michael's
  • Honey
  • Ginger
  • Cinnamon
  • Ground clove
  • Oatmeal
  • Chamomile tea
  • Yogurt cups, 1 1/4 inches deep, or cottage cheese containers

From top: Honey-ginger (for each cup of glycerin, add 1 teaspoon honey and 2 pinches ginger);cinnamon-clove (2 pinches cinnamon, 2 pinches ground clove): Oatmeal-honey (use only clear glycerin in this soap; add 1 teaspoon honey, 2 pinches ginger, 2 teaspoons oatmeal); Honey-ginger; and chamomile (1/4 teaspoon chamomile tea).

Use common household items for your molds. We filled round yogurt cups 1. inches deep; oval yogurt or cottage-cheese containers create other shapes. After each soap has set, press on sides of mold to loosen the soap and on bottom to release it.

Tea Tubs How To:
Nothing soothes the soul like a good long soak, especially with a heady infusion of calming scents. 

Tools and Materials:
Fill heat-sealable tea bags (perfect for one bath) with 1/4 cup lemon verbena, lavender, peppermint, or chamomile. For small bags, top 5 1/4-inch starched muslin circles with 1 tablespoon of botanicals; tie with waxed twine. Giving a few of these in different scents lets bathers customize each bath.

Thanks Go To The Martha Stewart Website for their great ideas!

Pamper Yourself and Send Me some Tub Teas~ LOL~
Bree and J
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Saturday, March 31, 2012

This Weeks Pinterest Favorites


Pick you favorites from each board...lets see who picked THE best. A good ol' Jessi vs Bree friendly competition
 to see who has the top pick!
Please comment below on this weeks winner!

It's Your Birthday...Party

Jessi vs Bree


Jessi vs Bree

Healthy Habits

Jessi vs Bree
hahaha! Looks like we are both winners here!


Jessi vs Bree
Sometimes it's scary how much we think alike!!

Photo Opt Ideas

Jessi vs Bree

I'm Hungry

Jessi vs Bree
hmmmm...they BOTH look good to me!

Dear Santa

Jessi vs Bree
Jessi's was my 2nd pic...such a tough one to choose!

Dear Easter Bunny

Jessi vs Bree


Jessi vs Bree

Love to Design

Jessi vs Bree
Funny how it's both them both

Baby Album

Jessi vs Bree
Both are beautiful!

Home Sweet Home

Jessi vs Bree we need to find 2 of for each of us!

Mother's/Father's Day

Mommy vs Mommy
I'm sure any mommy would love either of these for Mother's Day

4th of July

Jessi vs Bree
I know what she'll bring to the 4th of July Party, lol, I'll be bring the same thing!

Be My Valentine

Jessi vs Bree

Giving Thanks

Jessi vs Bree
ok..this one there weren't very many to choose from

Falling for...Fall

Jessi vs Bree

Bounce into...Spring

Jessi vs Bree
LOVE them bad they wouldn't work well together

Winter Wonderland

Jessi vs Bree

Dig In The Dirt...Gardening

I think we both like how this is so smart AND so easy...oh ya and SO CHEAP!

Crazy Kids

Jessi vs Bree

Fun In The Sun...Summer

Jessi vs Bree
Alright Jess...I'll bring my Bubble Refill Station, come over, and sit on your gorgeous outdoor furniture that kids WILL NOT BE ALLOWED ON! LOL!
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Friday, March 30, 2012

Jessi and Bree's 10 Favorite Things



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Thursday, March 29, 2012

Raising The Wild...Bree's Zoo

("Raising the Wild" is a title for raising our wonderful, sweet, beautiful, crazy, arguing, fighting, helping, loving children. LOL this can be the title for either Jessi or my children)

It's 6:00 AM and my middle son a.k.a "The Baby" (he's a huge momma's boy and THE whinner of the household..has been since the day he was born) woke 5:30...AM! No more than 5 min later his older brother a.k.a. "THE Red Head" came stumbling out.

This is the norm as they share a room and both are early their Daddy...unlike me.

 Our daughter a.k.a. The Princess on the other is very much like me and we both could sleep until well after 9:00 am. :) 

On the weekends my husband and I share "sleep in" days and one day out of my 7 I get the luxury of sleeping in...or just laying there listening to the chaos outside my door.

Waking up so early can have its disadvantages and advanages....but either way it's a way of life at the Metzger Household.

Life in the day of me:

4:30 AM Alarm, coffee, pack up a lunch for the hubby, goodbye kisses, start bloggin (lol)
5:30 Boys up, snack-go gurts, "sit down" "quiet" "you'll go back to bed if..." "quiet" "be nice" "No whinning"
6:00 Boys 1st Breakfast (they wake up so early that usually we have 2 breakfasts)
6:30 Boys: Quiet (ya right) play or Movie, Me: Shower, Coffee, Facebook, Blog, Pinterest, Email, Constant "ssshhh-ing"
7:30 Boys: Each have had average of 5 "Time Outs" by now, 2nd breakfast, arguing, boys showers (if needed)
8:00 Dressed (hopefully..this is the time we aim for...on average we never make it), Brooklyn up.
9:00 Who knows where that hour goes cause the next time I seem to see the clock its after 10 and nothing has been accomplished.
10:00 Work books/color/craft or story time or gymnastics center or Dr Appts or whatever else we have planned
12:00 Lunch
1:00 Preschool Drop off *sigh*, maybe another coffee
1:15 Mommy's Sanity a.k.a NAPS, chores...but who WANTS to do that..I'd rather craft or do ANYTHING else LOL
3:00 Preschool pickup
3:30 Break Time..a.k.a Daddy's home! Acitvity/Outdoor Time with Daddy
5:00 Usually Bradley will crash cause he's exhausted and WOKE UP SO DANG EARLY...UGH...he gets a 20 min nap...enough to give us alittle quiet
5:30 Dinner
6:30 Baths (if needed)
7:00 Jammies, Brush Teeth, Story, Whinning...more whinning...excuses (trying to avoid bed time).
7:30 Bed
7:35 "Go to bed"
7:40 "Mommy said GO to BED"
7:45 "Daddy said GO TO BED!"
7:50 More hugs and kisses and usually now they fall asleep

8:00 .........................quiet.........................................
8:30 Bed Time for us...I usually read for another 30 min (Just started Hunger Games ;) lol)
9:00 Silence
7 1/2 Hours later its starts ALL over AGAIN

One thing I can be thankful for is that they normally do wake up pretty HAPPY! :) 

Thank Goodness for my Kurig~
Bree and J

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